So I finally decided to start my website again after a two year hiatus. I originally started this website in 2017 with Python + Flask. It was my gateway to web development - writing code with a web framework I barely understood, following guides to host my app on a server with my own domain. It was all very overwhelming, yet exciting.
Eventually it died because I couldn’t fix an issue with my SSL certificate. I got busy and lazy, but gave up mostly because I had no clue how to fix it. Looking back, I’m actually quite astonished at how little I understood my own code back then. Using tools you don’t understand is dangerous, but nowadays there is a balance between understanding and getting things done.
I originally wanted to develop this website with Vue + Go/Java but I’ve decided otherwise because I realised I was more interested in the tech than the product - I didn’t even have any design in mind. Eventually I decided, I mostly wanted a personal online presence. Hence, this1 is just a static web page built with Jekyll, hosted on github pages.
I still want to play around with Vue + Go/Java, but that’s for another day :)